Written on behalf of Lafayette Gardens Apartments - Lafayette Louisiana Apartments
Many of us are spending an abundance of time inside right now, but that time need not go to waste. Who doesn’t love a freshly cleaned home, and what better time to do a little spring cleaning. Once the weather gets more beautiful, we are not going to want to be stuck inside with rubber gloves and a duster. This month is considered a sweet spot when the weather is still up in the air – pardon the pun, when dedicating a day indoors can still be justified.
Below is a list of the best spring-cleaning tips we found. We suggest going room to room, taking your time if you can.
Dust shelves, moldings, light fixtures, blinds, ceiling fans, and vents. Anything that accumulates dust and you usually overlook.
Wash the windows
Clean window treatments. Including your shower curtain.
Flip and turn your mattress. This should be done up to 3 times a year to get the maximum life out of your mattress.
Change your winter bedding to spring. This could mean just storing winter blankets. Be sure to wash and dry them first.
Change your clothes from warm to cool and pack away your seasonal clothes. Donate unused clothing items
Vacuum and shampoo carpets and area rugs.
Take removable sofa and chair cushions outside for a little sunshine. Sunshine is an effective disinfectant.
Wax wood floors. Adding a shine really makes a difference.
Check your smoke detector batteries
Replace your air conditioning filters.
Clean your medicine cabinet out, and your makeup bag too
Organize your paperwork and clean up your desktop
Clean your computer and TV.
Clean your deck and furniture including trash bins
Clean your refrigerator top to bottom. Pull out drawers and shelves, it will be easier to clean the backs and sides.
Clean out your coffee maker
Clean the stove and oven. You will be surprised how much build-up happens in a short time.
Things you will need to complete an effective spring-cleaning checklist.
Check your local dollar store, it's where many of these items can be found.
Cleaning caddy
Plastic gloves
Paper towels
Dusting mitt
Microfiber cloths
Garbage bags
Scrub brush
Blind cleaner
Oven cleaner
Multi-surface cleaner
Dust spray
Wood cleaner
Disinfecting spray
Toilet bowl cleaner
Glass cleaner
Distilled white vinegar
Ceramic cooktop cleanser
Toilet brush
Dish soap
Scented room spray
Looking for a new home to hang your hat?
If you are searching for apartments in Lafayette Louisiana be sure to stop by Lafayette Gardens Apartments. Located in the heart of Lafayette, it’s only minutes for shopping and dining in the famed River Ranch area. Call to schedule your tour of this community.