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Writer's pictureLafayette Gardens Apartments

Enjoying Life Living Through a Plague

Updated: Aug 15, 2024

A family and their dog enjoing a fall picnic - Lafayette apartments - apartments in Lafayette La

Written on behalf of Lafayette Gardens Apartments - Lafayette Louisiana Apartments

Living life to the fullest can seem like a challenge given COVID restrictions and living in an apartment in Lafayette, Louisiana; however, our area is ripe with outdoor activities.

You may ask why choose outside activities; COVID-19 is primarily spread from human to human in close contact (usually within six feet).  The respiratory droplets from a person breathing, speaking, coughing, or sneezing are released into the air and can be passed to another nearby, particularly in enclosed spaces or spaces with poor ventilation.

When you spend time outdoors, fresh air is continually moving, dispersing these infectious droplets, so you are less likely to breathe in enough particles containing the virus to become infected.  It is still advised to wear a mask outdoors when social distancing can't be maintained to provide extra protection.

The great outdoors offers the additional benefits of an emotional boost; when paired with exercise it can help relieve stress and depression, and sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body too.  

Low-Risk Avenues to Move About More

Engaging activities that allow you to social distance “the acceptable” six or greater feet are considered lower risk.  Your apartment in Lafayette Louisiana is located close to 36 excellent parks, recreation, and hiking trails.

While many recreational activities may not be possible during certain seasons, there are countless ways to stay active outdoors throughout the year.  Start moving about with the following low-risk activities during the pandemic:

  • Biking, hiking, running and walking

  • Fishing and birding

  • Golfing, traditional or Frisbee

  • Canoeing, kayaking, and boating

  • Social distanced fitness classes conducted outside or virtually


Do avoid congested sidewalks and narrow paths or choose less congested routes that make it easy to keep distance.   Always carry a mask for times when you cannot maintain the 6 feet distance from others you do not live with.  Don’t wear a mask while engaged in activities where you might get wet, such as swimming.

Don’t allow cooler weather to stop you from engaging in outdoor activities!  Remember to dress in layers and bring a hat and gloves to protect your hands and head.  

Lower-Risk Social Activities

Weather dependent, there are other less strenuous outdoor activity choices too:

A picnic with food packed from home, or takeout from your favorite restaurant or food truck.  Take a meal at your favorite public recreational area or consider eating on your patio or deck.

Shop at a local farmer's market.  Do don a mask and social distance.

Outdoor movies.

COVID-19 has revived drive-in and popup movies under the stars.  This historic concept is something resident can experience together with enough physical distance.

Low-to-Moderate-Risk Outdoor Activities

Depending on spacing, the following additional outdoor activities are considered low and moderate risk.  Many of these may not be available due to state-enforced restrictions or COVID phasing.  Provided you are not high-risk, you might consider taking advantage of the following:

Patio Dining 

Patio dining can be a great outdoor option.  Outdoor dining at an uncrowded venue where tables are sufficiently spaced is considered safer than indoor dining.  Wearing a mask when not eating or drinking is still advised.  If you need to enter the restaurant, practice social distancing, and wear your mask.

Self-service restaurants are not considered safe at this time.  Remember to bring hand sanitizer and wash your hands when you touch surfaces such as door handles and after entering and leaving.


Provided you practice social distancing and come in close contact with those you live with, camping is considered low risk.  If you camp with others that do not live with you, camp in individual tents spaced at least six feet apart, and avoid sharing supplies, including food and drinks.  Remember to pack hand sanitizer and soap, as well as disinfectant supplies to clean commonly touched surfaces.

Swimming Pools and Beaches

Distances less than six feet — not the water — make swimming pools and beaches risky activities.  Water by itself doesn't spread the virus to other people; close proximity does.

Gather with small groups of friends outdoors while maintaining social distancing.  Ideas for activities that allow for distancing include outside art classes or driveway chalk for children and games like kickball, remember masks and hand sanitizer are still a must.

Getting together for a visit at a safe distance can offer a much-needed opportunity to connect with people you care about — and improve your mood during these trying times.  

A small gathering around a bonfire, campfire, or firepit and BYODD (bring your own dinner and drinks) allows you to enjoy the togetherness with a low risk of spreading the virus.   Wear a mask when not eating or drinking, and wash your hands when you arrive and leave the gathering.

High-risk Outdoor Activities to be Avoided

Events and activities that bring many people in close contact for longer periods of time poses the greatest risk of virus spread.  Playgrounds, where community surfaces are touched by many, can quickly spread the virus, sporting events where crowd size make social distancing and surface disinfecting difficult.  

COVID-19 is a serious matter, but at the same time, personal well-being should include doing activities that make life worth living.  Armed with correct information, individuals can make insightful choices that bring a sense of normality and pleasure to life during the pandemic while living in apartments in Lafayette Louisiana.


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